Saturday, December 31, 2011

I'm back

I realized that I joined blogger in 2004. It's been 7 years since. I never realize that I have been blogging since 14 and now I'm 21. In less than a month, I'd be 22. 

Life in 2011 has been, exciting I would say. I have so much things to say, so much to pen down before tonight the clock strikes 12, and it's 2012. Major happiness this year is I've been traveling at least 3 times this year and mostly, being partially sponsored. (By relatives actually).

I've also, worked for one whole year. Am officially no longer a student, and I kind of miss that actually. No more student meals, student price nor student plans for mobile even. 

I hope the new year would be a good one. Till then, I'd come back tonight. Probably past 12?
