I love singing and never had proper lessons. (Well, who knew singing needs classes?) So there was one day where my aunt suddenly ask me if I was interested in learning singing with my cousins so I thought why not? Since singing has always been something I like to do. (Not a profession to me though, I can never make it.) So together with my cousins I joined a class conducted by this awesome teacher name, Ashton Koh. I took 3 level of singing classes with him, from Basic to Intermediate and Advance. I took about slightly less than 2 years and thru the class I made awesome classmates from all walks of life. After my basic lesson I wanted to drop out of class due to some personal reasons but end up I couldn't bear to give up halfway and end up, I completed all 3 levels. I'm happy and proud that I made it (even though I wasn't the best student he have taught :x).
This isn't some advert or neither am I getting pay or getting commission for publishing this but merely just sharing with you readers. Well, good things must share isn't it?
Now let me introduce to you.... Millet Music.
Some introduction that I ripped off from the website:
Millet Music, where music turns lifestyle
Humming a tune wherever you are? Playing your musical instruments and never getting bored of it? Like bread and butter, music has seamlessly integrated into your daily life.
A variety of sound exists in our surrondings and together with human creativity, they spark the creation of music of different kinds. At Millet Music, we allow you to gain a deeper understanding of the different elements of music, and inspire you to unleash your creativity through the hoslitic and fun-filled learning experience over here. Learning music becomes a pleasure!
Allow the integration of music into your lifestyle today. Join us at Millet Music, the place to find your music supplements.
They also do provide other classes like dancing, instruments and not to forget little millet for kids! Discover your kids' talent!
Should you be interested, you can contact them at:
Millet Music
131 East Coast Road #02-01 (Opposite Katong Mall)
Singapore 428816
Tel: 64402345
Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 10am-10pm | Saturday 8am-6pm | Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays
Email: enquiries@milletmusic.com.sg
Or you could actually check out their Facebook page!
You won't regret joining Millet Music with Ashton Koh. (and his team of teachers would just be like him)
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