2 good friends (also my girlfriends) have setup a little mini business to sell some affordable and awesome flowers! Prices starts from $12 onwards! Okay look below for some simple steps!
They have setup up a order form which you can click here to get it. How the form looks like is shown below:
The basics here, contact details! :)
Prices ranges from $12, $20, $28, $36 and for creativity bouquet will be quoted different according to what your choice of flowers, wrapping to be! You have a design in mind? Let the girls know and they will do the magic for you!
So they also show you the sample of how the wrapping and side flowers looks like. Pretty neat for the price you're paying right? ^^
So for example if you're choosing the $12 simple bouquet, you get to choose what kind of flowers you want!
And if you are like me, don't know how some flowers looks like, don't worry they've got photos for you to conceptualize how it would turn out to be!
The great thing about glitter? They look beautifully awesome when it's dried! (I have a habit of drying my roses and keeping them)
Here's some options for self collection and delivery on the state dates!
And of course, once you're done the girls will contact you for payment details! And just wait to receive your beautiful flowers!
They also have a carousell account that you can click here to access.
So if you are too lazy to email them, just go there and chat them up! Easy peasy!
Okay, now spread the words and buy some flowers for your mothers, or even people whom you feel they are like your mothers!
Also if you want to get flowers for your loved ones, not necessary on mothers' day - any other day, just click on the 'creativity bouquet' and chat up with the girls to discuss further!
PS: I will update again when they have photos of sold flowers! At the moment they are still consolidating orders!
*Please note to contact the girls directly at their email forkeepingsake@gmail.com or their carousell account @forkeepingsake.